
Hello and welcome.

My name is Danny O Donoghue and I am a self-taught artist living and working in Ireland. I make sculptural works often using found objects. There is immediacy to objects because they carry symbolic meaning. I enjoy experimenting with these meanings, altering them and expressing them in a new way. The artists of Dada and Surrealism, among others have been a big influence.

My process.

I don’t think I really have a particular style or theme that I pursue. Sometimes I will have a specific idea in mind before I start. More times I will see an object I think is visually interesting and keep it for some later idea. I often find random things in flea markets or washed up on beaches which find a home in my work. I think it is interesting to sometimes let the object suggest the work. This can often lead me to ideas I would never have thought of otherwise. So I try to be open not only to inspiration but also in the ways I express it.

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